Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chief MA5B

When Halo puns come into play, you know that something simply must be going down.


This "John 117 Tribute"..I would buy this. I am a Halo fan. I'm into Ghosts of Onyx, have read Fall of Reach and The Flood, and am searching for First Strike. I have NOT played Halo 2, and will not play Halo 3 until, at the very least, Christmas. Why? Because I have not had the chance to get an Xbox. But I own Halo: Combat Evolved on my Mac, and I love it, but the storyline..okay, here's the thing.

I would love a Halo movie. Not because I think the video games are awesome. I like the games (i've played some of 2) a lot, but because of the universe Bungie has created. Its predecessor, Marathon (which I own all three versions of), contains many elements of Halo's world. Not many huge things, but the Supersoilders and the UNSC play a part in Marathon and Halo. And I like them both. Marathon is an okay game by today's standards, which is really good. Hm. Where was I going with that..? Okay, so Marathon. It's the Halo beta, so to speak. It was Halo's world before the Spartans and the Covenant and the actual Installations (halos) came into play. So I got into that after I got into Halo's thing.

That was a horrible paragraph. Really..got off course there. Hold on.

Here's the shit of the Halo movie; they will treat it like they treat every video game turned movie. Halo's something more than that. If there was a smart person running that whole thing, they would make sure they treat Halo as, say, Star Wars. The story surrounding the Chief is something that stands on its own in the form of books, Alternate Reality Games (i love bees, IRIS, google these things), etcetera. Bungie has a really good market strategy, and what's more, knows how to tell a damn story. They know how to use the tools at their disposal in this day and age, which the first of which would be the Internet. Bungie has distributed storyline content over the Internet in such a smooth fashion that it feels like Bungie actually owns the Webz. They know what they is doing.

I read a post on a forum today that was pretty smart - that influenced me to write this mess. Basically, it said that "People should treat Halo like the new Star Wars", which I referenced in the above area.

All I'm saying is that Halo is something more than a video game series - it's a huge universe now, and I hope it continues on past 3.

Oh, man, that thing is SO COOL.

1 comment:

Jessa Rempel said...

POST MORE STUFF, YO. We all wanna see your AMAZING artwork D: